Fingertips can design your Powerpoint presentation from scratch or make amendments to your existing presentation. We can also proof read your existing presentation, change fonts, colours and design. Powerpoint presentations are used to assist your oral presentation..

Powerpoint Presentations Fingertips Typing Services

There are many uses for presentations in business including:

  • Conferences
  • Meetings
  • Training and hiring
  • Report financials
  • End of year summaries.
  • Marketing and sales.
  • Shops may have slide shows in store advertising their products
  • Business use presentations to advertise and promote their products and services.
  • Teachers use them in the classroom to teach their pupils.

The list is endless. Powerpoint presentations are very eye catching as they can be made with bright colours, different stand out fonts, photos, graphs, music, voice over, videos, and interesting moving animations of text and images (i.e entrance and exit). Presentations can be emailed, uploaded, shared online and printed. There is an option to print handouts of each slide with a notes section underneath for any information which is relevant to the slide to be written in for study use. The notes section can also be shown on the screen. A video file of the presentation can be made and it can also be broadcast for sharing online.

Board meetings

Use Powerpoint to get your point across

Powerpoint has different features and ways to show information and data and a common way to show this information is bullet points.

This information is easier to read than in a solid paragraph and Powerpoint has many different styles, shapes, animations, and transitions to ensure it is eye-catching and stands out to the reader.

Tables and graphs can be implemented and by selecting the graph or parts of it different parts of the table could be made to appear at different times so you can give information about that part of the graph or table clearly. Powerpoint has many different animations to choose from, text can be made to appear from the left or right, spiraling in or flashing in etc.

At the end of each slide you can choose the transitional appearance through to the next slide. You can import company logos, your own graphics, use clipart or insert your own images. Powerpoint has many different templates to choose from but it it always more personal to create your own. There are also templates such as Awards, Invoices, Invitations, CVs and Schedules. Word and Excel documents can also be imported into the slide.

Transcriptions Services
Design Fingertips Typing Services


Fingertips like to create our own theme where possible rather than using the built in design so it is personal to you i.e. use your company colours, fonts etc.

We like to use quality photographs, we don’t want them to look cheesy or cliche. There are many free photo sites that have great looking photos.

We can apply the text to the photo so that it looks professional and eye catching. We need to ensure the text is not obliterated by the photo, i.e the text needs to stand out from the photo, not blurred into it as it is important that the text can be read easily.

A solution to this is to add a coloured block behind the text which ensures the text now stands out whilst maintaining a professional looking slide. Not every presentation needs photos, simple presentations can be just as effective using bold, strong colours and text.

Whatever your need for your presentation Fingertips will provide you with a secretary experienced in producing Powerpoint presentations in order that you receive the desired results and your presentation will produce the results that are intended.

The colours need contrast though, we don’t want to blind the audience! The right font needs to be used and simple fonts are usually easier and clearer to read than fancy fonts. Fancy fonts are okay in the right situation but need to be compromised with plain text. Certain fonts can portray different messages, for example business and corporate, contemporary and modern or fun. Standard fonts look professional, sizes can be altered on different lines to make it look interesting.