Tips on recording an academic lecture

Recording lectures is an easy and convenient way to make learning easier, with large class sizes and not to mention to short attention span of students, recording lectures has become popular in all major universities in the UK.
Here are our tips to getting a crystal clear lecture recording:
- Let the class know you are recording – This will ensure that you have the class engaged.
- Who are you? – State your name and the lecture clearly at the beginning of the recsording, this will make it easier for the transcriber.
- Invest in a decent digital voice recorder – There are several good recorders on the market without costing a fortune.
- Do a trial run– Check the sound quality, you may need to use a small microphone as some recorders may not pick up sound after a certain distance.
- Use a recording device that has a background cancellation feature -This will limit interference and make it easier to transcribe.
- Location, location, location – Place your recording device near the lecturer to ensure good audio quality.
- Repeat questions – Even thought you may have great audio, it can still sometimes be difficult to pick out questions, so repeat the questions so that the transcriber can pick up on that and the answers.
- Switch off other devices nearby – As these can interfere with the recording.
- Speak loudly and clearly – This will help your recording device pick up what your saying and repeat any answers from the students.
- Don’t forget to save – It sounds really simple, but you would be amazed how many people forget this!
Fingertips Typing Services offers a comprehensive Academic Transcription Service, for more information on how we can help you email: