Transcription of interview with Calum Best
Hi – I’d like to like to tell you about a particularly interesting file that I got recently from Fingertips. It was an interview with Calum Best, George Best’s son and a famous model who is now making a film about his Dad.
We think, wow, famous, rich, wow, says he grew up in Malibu, must have been great. But I really ended up admiring Calum because he didn’t grow up ‘rich’ and his life as a child couldn’t have been so great. Although he did have his mum and she sounds really great. A single mum left to care for her child with no child support, but she made it and did really well. Later on Calum himself began making money as a model and was able to help her and himself.
In any event, he’s now making a film about his famous father and he said himself, he’s just learning about who his dad really was. He also admitted to some of his dad’s not so pleasant characteristics, such as heavy drinking and the playboy lifestyle. This really goes to show that genetics win out every time. After all Calum grew up in the US and only came over to the UK for holidays to be with his dad.
Anyway, I really enjoyed that interview and it’s nice to hear how humble he actually is. At Fingertips I’ve had quite a few interesting files and I just love working for them due to the variance in the work I’m sent.
Posted by Cathy Bennett